why aloe vera good for face and hair CategoriesSkin care

Why aloe vera is good for skin and hair

Why aloe vera is good for skin and hair

Aloe vera gel is one of the most popular products for treating skin and hair. It promotes healing, minimizes irritation and redness, moisturizes skin, protects from sun damage, and more. In this article, we’ll explore all of the ways aloe vera can help your skin and hair so that you can make a more informed decision when buying your next beauty product.

What is Aloe Vera?

Grown in the dry climate, Aloe vera is a succulent plant. The gel from its leaves has been used for centuries to soothe burns and heal wounds. Today, aloe gel is commonly used as an ingredient in skincare products and as a natural remedy for a variety of skin conditions. Aloe vera helps to sort out all your major concerns with its natural properties and in this blog also, we will discuss the benefits of Aloe vera for skin, Aloe vera for face, and Aloe vera for hair.

Aloe vera contains 99% water, making it a great hydrating agent for the skin. It also contains compounds like polysaccharides and glycoproteins that can help to heal wounds and soothe inflammation. Aloe vera has antimicrobial properties that make it effective against bacteria and fungi, making it a good choice for treating acne or fungal infections of the skin.

When applied to the scalp, aloe vera can help to reduce dandruff and promote hair growth. Its moisturizing properties can also help to prevent split ends and make the hair shafts stronger and less likely to break.

Benefits of using Aloe Vera for Face

There are many benefits of using Aloe Vera for the face. It can help to hydrate and nourish the skin, and it can also help to heal acne and other blemishes. Additionally, Aloe Vera for face can help to reduce wrinkles and fine lines, and it can also help to protect the skin from sun damage.

If you want to reap the benefits of using aloe gel for your face, it’s important to choose a high-quality product. Look for an aloe gel that is made from 100% pure aloe vera juice or leaf extract. Additionally, make sure that the product is free from artificial fragrances, colors, or preservatives. Let’s check on the benefits of applying Aloe Vera on face:

    • Reduces swelling, pains, and soreness of wounds
    • Speeds up healing time
    • Treats fungal and bacterial infections effectively
    • Repair the damage from harmful sun rays and slows down the aging process
    • Moisturize and hydrates the skin naturally
    • Offers a cooling effect on rashes and sunburns
    • Treats the condition of acne, cuts and wounds

How to use Aloe Vera for Face

If you are looking for a natural product to use on your face, aloe vera gel for face is a great option. This gel is derived from the aloe vera plant and has many benefits for the skin. It can help to moisturize the skin, reduce inflammation, and heal wounds.

To use aloe gel on face, start by cleansing your skin with a gentle cleanser. Then, apply a small amount of gel to your face and massage it gently. You can leave the gel on your face for 20 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water. Using this treatment 2-3 times per week will give you better results.

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Benefits of using Aloe Vera for the Skin

Aloe vera is used to treat different skin conditions, back centuries. This aloe vera for skin is rich in nutrients that can help to soothe, hydrate, and repair the skin.

Aloe vera  is 95% water, making it an excellent source of moisture for the skin. Additionally, it has antioxidant vitamins A, C, and E that can help shield the skin from harm. Aloe vera also contains compounds like gibberellins and polysaccharides, which have anti-inflammatory and healing properties.

When we apply aloe vera for skin, it can help to soothe sunburns, heal cuts and scrapes, and moisturize dry skin. It is also used for acne treatment. 

There are many commercial products available that contain aloe vera as an ingredient. However, you can also get all of the benefits of aloe vera by using the gel directly from the plant. Simply break off a piece of a fresh aloe leaf and apply the gel to your skin.

Benefits of using Aloe Vera for Hair

When it comes to hair care, aloe vera is often hailed as a miracle ingredient. And for good reason! This succulent plant has been used for centuries to treat a variety of hair and scalp issues. Here are just a few of the ways in which aloe vera can benefit your hair:

  • Aloe vera for hair can help to soothe and calm a dry, itchy scalp
  • Increases blood circulation to the scalp and promote hair growth
  • Aloe vera can help to prevent dandruff and other scalp conditions
  • Makes your hair softer and regains its natural shine
  • Aloe vera can protect your hair from damage caused by heat styling or sun exposure

How to Use Aloe Vera for Hair

When it comes to hair care, aloe vera for hair can be used in a number of ways. For example, you can use it as a natural conditioner or hair mask. To use aloe vera as a conditioner, simply massage the gel into your scalp and hair after shampooing. Leave it on for a few minutes before rinsing it off with cool water. You can also make a homemade hair mask by mixing aloe gel with some other ingredients like olive oil or honey. Apply the mixture to your hair and scalp and leave it on for 30 minutes before rinsing off.

Aloe vera gel for face and skin

How to Make Aloe Vera Gel at Home

Aloe vera has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for a variety of ailments, including skin and hair problems. This gel-based aloe vera at home is easy to make at home and helps to resolve the majority of your face, skin, and hair concerns. The gel from the aloe vera plant is believed to have many healing properties, which is why it is often used in natural cosmetics and skincare products.

To make your own aloe gel, you will need:

-1 aloe vera leaf

-A sharp knife

-A blender or food processor

-A glass jar with a lid

Start by carefully cutting off a piece of the aloe vera leaf. You can use the whole leaf or just a section of it. Using a sharp knife, cut through the outer green skin of the leaf to reveal the clear gel inside. Scrape out the gel with a spoon and add it to your blender or food processor. Blend until the gel is smooth, then pour it into your clean glass jar or bottle. Store it in a refrigerator and take according to to use. This is how you can make gel-based aloe vera at home, without wasting more time.

There are many reasons to use aloe gel for face, hair, and skin. Aloe vera is a natural product that has numerous benefits for your health. It is known to soothe sunburns, heal wounds and moisturize the skin. In addition, aloe gel can help to prevent acne and reduce the appearance of scars. If you are looking for a natural way to improve your appearance, then using aloe vera is a great option.

good oral hygiene CategoriesWellness

Tips for good oral hygiene

How to maintain good oral hygiene?

Oral hygiene is a key component of our bodily health. Good oral hygiene can lead to healthy teeth and gums, which in turn can prevent toothaches and infections. Find out more about the importance of good oral care, what it entails, and how you can maintain it. 

What is oral health?

The technique of maintaining a healthy, disease-free mouth is known as good oral care. This entails frequently flossing and brushing your teeth, as well as going to the dentist for checkups.

Oral health is important for many reasons. First, it helps to prevent bad breath. Second, it can help to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. Finally, good oral hygiene can help to improve your overall health.  There are many ways to maintain good oral hygiene, but the most important thing to do is to brush and floss your teeth every day.

Using herbal toothpaste helps to provide the ultimate protection for your teeth naturally and improves the overall hygiene of your oral care. Nowadays, several companies are manufacturing natural toothpaste for teeth.

How to maintain good oral hygiene?

Our mouths are home to millions of bacteria. While some of these bacteria are essential for our health, others can cause tooth decay and gum disease. So it is essential to practice good oral hygiene habits daily. Recent research has demonstrated a connection between dental problems and internal illnesses like diabetes and cardiovascular disease. This is why it’s so important to provide the best possible home oral care for yourself! The following tips can help you maintain a healthy mouth!

Good oral hygiene is essential to keeping your mouth healthy and free of disease. There are a few simple things you can do to maintain good oral hygiene and they are discussed below in this article.

7 Tips for maintaining good oral hygiene

There are a few things you can do to maintain good oral hygiene. First, brush your teeth twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Never forget to floss your teeth. Finally, make it a point to visit your dentist on a regular basis for professional cleanings and checkups. Use herbal toothpaste for teeth to ensure more safety for your oral care and enhance toothpaste benefits. By following these simple tips, you can help keep your mouth healthy and avoid cavities and other dental problems. Now, let’s look at the tips for maintaining good oral hygiene:

1. Brush twice daily regularly but not aggressively 

Most people think that brushing twice a day helps eliminate bacteria and plaque from their teeth and maintains healthy teeth daily contributing to toothpaste benefits. But the fact is that, along with brushing, there are some more steps to be followed for effective oral hygiene.

It is good to follow a circular motion while brushing, by taking care to brush the top, back, and front of every tooth. This technique for brushing may take 2 to 3 minutes, but it helps in offering adequate hygiene to your tooth. In addition to this, people should also try to avoid back-and-forth motives and sawing while brushing.

Too forceful of a brush stroke or the use of a firm-bristled toothbrush can harm the gums and tooth enamel. Gum erosion, tooth sensitivity, and long-term harm to the enamel’s protective coating may all result from this. In addition, it is good to use natural toothpaste for teeth to ensure more care for the teeth and mouth to enhance toothpaste benefits.

It is advised by the American Dental Association (ADA) to use a toothbrush with soft bristles. Additionally, they advise changing toothbrushes after three months or, whichever comes first, when the ends begin to fray.

2. Floss once a day

Using floss, you may get rid of plaque and bacteria between teeth where a toothbrush can’t reach them. Additionally, flossing aids in eliminating food particles caught between the teeth and clearing away other waste.

Despite the lack of thorough data to back its advantages, the ADA nonetheless recommends flossing. People should floss their teeth, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The majority of dental professionals advise gently guiding the floss to the gum line before hugging the tooth’s side with up-and-down motions. Avoid snapping the floss up and down between the teeth since it can hurt and reduce the floss’s ability to remove plaque.

3. Use fluoride 

Fluoride is extracted from fluorine which is seen in the soil. Experts believe that fluoride is a common ingredient that helps to prevent cavities and that’s why it is used as a common ingredient in toothpaste and mouthwash. But, anyway, some people don’t use fluoride and some oral care products are made without fluorides.

Evidence suggests that a lack of fluoride can promote tooth decay even in those who normally take good oral care. According to a recent study, brushing and flossing alone do not protect against cavities if fluoride is not used. The type of paste that people use also matters, Using natural toothpaste is better for your oral care.

By getting in touch with their local authorities, people can learn whether the water in their area contains fluoride. People who utilize well water will need to check the fluoride levels in this water to determine how much is present as reverse osmosis water filters eliminate fluoride. Many brands of bottled water don’t have fluoride in them.

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4. Consult a dentist regularly 

People should visit the dentist every six months for a routine check-up is one of the best methods to follow healthy oral hygiene. A hygienist will clean the teeth, get rid of tartar that has developed, and perform a routine dental exam.

During the checkup, the dentist will check on signs of cavities, gum disease, mouth concerns, or any other oral issues to offer better oral care. In addition to this, these dentists will also check on sometimes dental X-rays to confirm oral health.

According to a recent study, it is mentioned that consulting a dentist every six months is good for children and adolescents to reduce cavities. At the same time, practising dental hygiene daily helps to lower oral health problems for adults and may not require them to consult the dentist frequently. But after all, a person can directly ask the doctor about their checkup time and it varies on a person’s age, health history, and dental health. In addition, anyone who sees a change in their mouth can also visit a dentist.

5. Use mouthwash regularly 

Certain mouthwashes may be beneficial for oral health, according to some research. For instance, a review discovered that mouthwash with the antibacterial component chlorhexidine reduces the risk of gingivitis and plaque. A meta-analysis found that mouthwashes containing specific essential oils are also efficient.

The ideal mouthwash for a person’s specific needs can be determined by asking their dentist. Although it cannot replace brushing and flossing, mouthwash can enhance these habits. So try using natural herbal toothpaste and mouthwash daily to provide the ultimate protection for your teeth and gums.

6. Quit smoking

Smoking impairs the immune system of the body, making it challenging for the body to recover tissues, including those in the mouth. Smoking is listed as a risk factor for gum disease by the CDC, and the American Dental Association warns that smoking may cause a patient’s recovery from dental work to be more difficult.

Smoking harms the breath’s odour and the teeth and tongue look by causing discolouration.

7. Consume less sugary foods & starches

Cavities can result from consuming sugar. Studies keep emphasizing how important sugar is in poor tooth health results. Candy and pastries are common offenders, but many processed foods also include added sugar. The WHO advises consumers to keep their daily sugar intake under 10% of calories. According to the authors of a systematic review, lowering this to 5 per cent would further lessen the incidence of cavities and other oral issues.

In addition, starchy foods like crackers, bread, chips, and pasta have been linked to dental decay by experts. According to the American Dental Association (ADA), these meals stay in the mouth and decompose into simple sugars, which acid-producing bacteria feed on. Later, this acid may cause tooth decay. The ADA advises consuming a lot of fibre-rich fruits and vegetables in place of starchy foods, as well as dairy products without added sugar.

Always be sure to talk to your dentist if you have any problems related to oral hygiene. They can provide you with personalized tips and advice on how to keep your mouth healthy and avoid dental problems. In addition, use natural toothpaste for teeth like Dhathri Complete Ayurvedic Care Toothpaste to offer the best protection to your teeth and to maintain healthy oral hygiene.

Easy Remedies to Control Diabetes CategoriesWellness

Easy Home Remedies That Can Help You Control Diabetes

Easy Home Remedies That Can Help You Control Diabetes


Diabetes is a condition marked by increased blood sugar levels.  There are two types of diabetes – Type I and Type II. Even though diabetes is categorized as a global pandemic, the sad reality is that there is still no cure for diabetes. But the good news is that there are some home remedies for diabetes. Read on to learn ways to keep diabetes in check.

Warning Signs Of Low Blood Sugar

Let’s look at some of the symptoms of low blood sugar and how to avoid them by following some home remedies for diabetes.  A decrease in blood sugar levels can cause both short-term complications, as well as more severe issues. Low blood sugar symptoms include:

1. Dizziness

The sudden drop in blood sugar levels can make you feel dizzy. So, when you feel you are going to faint, sit or lie down immediately to avoid injuring yourself. Low blood sugar can cause light-headedness. Seek medical help if needed.

2. Blurry Vision

If your vision suddenly becomes blurry or dim, a drop in blood sugar may be the reason. Blurred vision is the one of most common eye-related symptoms followed by dimness in sight 

3. Restless Nights

Nocturnal hypoglycemia, which is very common, can cause several sleep disturbances. Symptoms include night sweats, nightmares, episodes of waking suddenly, and feelings of unrest and confusion upon waking. 

4. Unceasing Hunger

If you’ve already eaten but still aren’t satisfied, or if you suddenly feel unexplained hunger pangs, then it’s your body signaling that it needs more glucose. An increase in appetite is caused by hypoglycemia, You can manage your blood sugar by intaking food rich in carbohydrates.

5. Sweating

Sweating is usually one of the earliest signs of hypoglycemia. Excessive perspiration is a common sign of diabetes. Excessive sweating comes on without warning, regardless of the external temperature. Avoid hot and spicy foods and also alcoholic drinks during the hours before bed to reduce night sweats.

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6. Slurred Speech

When your body is running low on sugar, then you will feel difficulty in speaking or in understanding speech.

7. Irritability or Anxiety

When glucose levels fall too low, your body releases epinephrine (also known as adrenaline), which signals the liver to make more sugar. The excess epinephrine creates an “adrenaline rush,” which can cause feelings of anxiety and related symptoms, such as shakiness, sweating, and heart palpitations.

8. Shakes and Tremors

When glucose levels are off balance, your nervous system starts to malfunction. Your body will start to tremble and you feel tremors or weakness in your arms and legs.

9. Mood swings

Mood swings are connected to sudden emotional episodes including indescribable crying, intense anger, and feelings of depression are symptoms of low blood sugar.

10. Mental Confusion

Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) can cause brain fog and behaviour changes. When there is a drop in glucose, you may experience a sense of confusion and an inability to concentrate on one thing at a time. The brain relies on blood sugar for energy, so if there’s a drop in glucose, your brain may not perform properly. 

What Foods should you avoid? 

Along with following home remedies for diabetes. Here are 9 foods to avoid if you are suffering from diabetes.

1. Dry Fruits

Vitamin and mineral contents are higher in fruits. Dry fruits have high sugar which can increase your blood sugar level. To keep diabetes in check, you should eat fruits with a low glycemic index and be mindful of portion size.

2. Trans-fat

Unsaturated fats, or trans fats, can be found in both natural and unnatural forms.

People with diabetes should strictly avoid trans-fat as it increases cholesterol levels and increases the risk of heart disease. It’s advisable to replace processed meats with leaner, more natural protein choices, such as chicken, turkey, tuna, or hard-boiled eggs.

3. High-Carb Foods

Consuming high-carb foods increase your blood glucose levels. French fries, bread, potatoes, muffins, cakes, cookies, spaghetti, hamburgers, chips, rice, and sweetened yoghurt are a few examples of high-carb foods. People with high blood sugar should avoid high-carb foods as they don’t have any nutritional value.

4. Processed Foods

 Processed foods contain high levels of fats, sugar, and sodium. People with diabetes should avoid processed foods as they lack nutritional value and most of the nutrients get removed during the processing of food. Processed food contains a number of chemical ingredients and flavouring agents which can cause rapid spikes in blood sugar and insulin levels.

5. Refined or White Sugar

Sugary foods, sweets, like doughnuts, candy bars, chocolate, maple syrup, desserts, and fruit-flavored yoghurts have high sugar content and desserts constitute sugar and high carbs which increases your blood sugar levels. Therefore, look for a healthy sugar substitute to keep your diabetes in check.

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6. Starchy Vegetables

Vegetables like potatoes, sweet potatoes, beetroot, etc are high in starch, but diabetic patients should avoid them as these vegetables are rich in carbs and sugar. Consuming these foods increases the risk of high blood sugar. Be mindful of your portion sizes when eating starchy veggies if you have diabetes.

7. High-protein Foods

Protein is required by the body to grow and repair muscles and to maintain essential bodily processes. But animal-derived proteins also come with unsaturated fats, which raise blood sugar levels. High-protein foods made from animals, such as chicken, beef, and pork, have little fibre, therefore spike blood glucose levels.

8. Dairy Products

All dairy products have calcium, proteins, and vitamins that keep you healthy. In addition to these, dairy products contain a sugar called lactose which breaks down into lactic acid. People with diabetes should stay away from dairy products with high-fat content as it increases the risk of heart disease.

9. Bakery Products

Refined flour is the primary ingredient in all bakery products which increases the calorie content of bakery goods, making them unsuitable for diabetic patients. When people with diabetes eat too many carbs, their blood sugar levels may spike and become dangerously high. Hence people with diabetes should include healthier options in their diet.


There are certain effective home remedies for diabetes that can help you control your sugar levels. Following are the three home remedies for diabetes you can incorporate at home.

TIP 1#  Follow a balanced diet

Following a proper diabetic diet is one of the most effective home remedies for diabetes. A diabetic diet refers to a diet that includes foods that are low in carbs, foods with a lower glycemic index, and high-fiber foods. Consuming these food items will ensure that the blood sugar levels do not spike. Likewise, opting for foods such as barley, lentils, legumes, seafood, etc with low glycemic index can help you maintain lower blood sugar levels.

TIP 2#Regular Exercise

Exercising regularly can help you to lose weight and also increase insulin sensitivity in your body. This implies that your body would be more able to utilize the sugar in your bloodstream. Doing daily exercise is the second home remedy for diabetes .

TIP 3#Control your Stress Levels

 If you want to control your blood sugar, then it is important to keep your stress under control. Activities like Yoga, meditation, and regular exercise can help you to keep stress levels low which also helps to lower your blood sugar levels.

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Diabetes is a complicated medical condition, and many factors may affect the blood glucose level. It is always good to consult a doctor for the proper diagnosis and treatment of diabetes. Following the above-mentioned home remedies for diabetes can improve your overall well-being drastically. Additionally, solutions like Dhathri Diavita Plus can also offer valuable support in managing diabetes effectively.

10 Warning Signs of Low Blood Sugar CategoriesWellness

Signs of Low Blood Sugar

10 Warning Signs of Low Blood Sugar


Feeling shaky and weak, or experiencing sweating, heart palpitations, or difficulty concentrating when you’re not hungry? You may be experiencing a sign of low blood sugar symptoms. The decrease in blood sugar levels is a critical medical condition. Learn the warning signs of low blood sugar and what you should do if symptoms occur. In this article, you’ll learn ten warning signs of low blood sugar that you should be aware of. Read on to find out more.

What Is Diabetes?

Diabetes is a chronic condition that occurs when the body cannot produce enough insulin or is unable to properly use the insulin it produces. This can lead to high blood sugar levels, which can damage various organs in the body over time. Symptoms of diabetes include increased thirst and urination, fatigue, blurred vision, and slow-healing wounds. In some cases, people with diabetes may experience low blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia), which can cause low blood sugar symptoms such as dizziness, sweating, and confusion. If left untreated, diabetes can lead to serious health complications such as heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, and nerve damage.

Types Of Diabetes

Type 1 and Type 2 are the main types of diabetes.

The insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas are attacked and destroyed in type 1 diabetes, an autoimmune illness. This type of diabetes usually develops in childhood or adolescence but can occur in adults as well.

Type 2 diabetes is a metabolic disorder that is characterized by high levels of blood sugar (glucose). This type of diabetes typically develops in adulthood, but can also occur in children and adolescents.

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Home Remedies For Diabetes

If you have diabetes, you know how important it is to keep your blood sugar levels under control. But sometimes, despite your best efforts, your blood sugar levels can drop too low. This can lead to the signs of low blood sugar symptoms.

Low blood sugar is called hypoglycemia, and it can be a serious problem if not treated quickly. That’s why it’s important to know the warning signs of low blood sugar symptoms and what to do if you experience them.

The most common symptom of low blood sugar is feeling shaky or dizzy. You may also feel sweaty, hungry, or have a rapid heartbeat. If your blood sugar level drops too low, you may even lose consciousness.

If you experience any of these low blood sugar symptoms, it’s important to raise your blood sugar level right away by eating or drinking something that contains sugar. Fruit juice, regular soda, candy, and table sugar are all good options. Once your blood sugar level has returned to normal, be sure to eat a meal or snack so that it doesn’t drop again.

If you have diabetes and frequently experience low blood sugar levels despite taking steps to prevent them, be sure to talk to your doctor. You may need to adjust your medication or make changes to your diet

10 Warning Signs of Low Blood Sugar

There are several warning signs of low blood sugar, or hypoglycemia, that you should be aware of. These include feeling shaky or trembling, sweating, heart racing, hunger, and dizziness or lightheadedness. If you experience any of these symptoms, it’s important to check your blood sugar levels right away and take steps to raise them if necessary. Let us check on the warning signs of low blood sugar symptoms:

1. Sleep disturbances

Around a majority percent of low blood sugar levels are caused due to nocturnal hypoglycemia and this is the main cause of different sleep disturbances. The symptoms of these sleep disturbances include sweating during sleep, nightmares, waking up from sleep suddenly, and disorientation when you wake up. This sign of low blood sugar symptoms can also be decreased by eating a snack before bed. The appropriate blood sugar of an individual is between 90 and 150 mg/dL before rest.

2. Sweating

One of the main signs of low blood sugar symptoms is sweating and which is caused due to adrenaline, which boosts the glucose level drops(According to an article in Practical Diabetes, 2017). When individuals affected with diabetes are hypoglycemic (a condition in which an individual’s blood sugar level is lesser than the standard range), the chances of sweating is more compared to others and mostly the back of your neck gets more sweating. This changes when you suddenly have some sugar and more care is needed in these situations to avoid further health problems.

3. Ravenous Hunger

Your body is indicating that a blood sugar drop is taking place if you suddenly, unexplainably feel like you’re starving. The key thing to controlling your blood sugar levels is by managing the carbohydrate intake in your body. The standard recommended rate of carbohydrate intake for an individual is between 15-20g during eating a snack and 40-65g during each meal. But this may vary according to each individual and it is always better to consult a dietitian or certified diabetes care & education specialist to understand the carbohydrate intake you require.

4. Tremors and Shakes

When the autonomic nervous system activates during hypoglycemia, it leads to shakiness symptoms and is also one of the signs of low blood sugar levels symptoms.

5. Emotional Instability

The neurological symptoms of hypoglycemia can lead to mood swings and sudden changes in emotions which are not common in normal individuals. This sign of low blood sugar symptoms also causes irritability, depression, and stubbornness, which completely affects the mental health of an individual.

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6. Lightheadedness

This feeling of lightheadedness is a low blood sugar symptom caused when the brain tries to store as much energy as it can store, as the blood sugar is low. The best way to treat this hypoglycemia is to consume 15 to 20g of fast-acting carbs, such as juice to get relief from this lightheadedness. Have some rest for 15 minutes after this, and if the symptom is still there, it is better to seek medical help.

7. Feelings of Anxiety

As a result of the lowering in blood sugar levels, the body secretes hormones known as epinephrine (also called adrenaline) and cortisol. These hormones then signal the liver to impart more sugar into the blood leading to anxiety and related symptoms such as sweating, heart palpitations, and shakiness. This low blood symptom also affects the mental health of an individual directly.

8. Eyesight issues

Vision issues of the eyes are one of the major low blood sugar symptoms that have been proven by studies. A decrease in blood sugar levels also caused blurred vision, dimness in vision, or black spots.

9. Slurred Speech and clumsiness

Your voice can change because of the lack of sugar. Slurred speech is a common symptom associated with blood sugar levels below 40 mg/dL. Even if you haven’t drunk a drop of alcohol, you could appear to have had a few too many cocktails when combined with clumsiness, another indicator of low blood sugar.

10. Difficulty in concentrating 

The brain consumes energy mainly from blood sugar, so the decrease in glucose may directly affect the brain and makes it difficult to concentrate on a particular thing. This leads to a lack of concentration on one particular thing at a time. The good news is that moderate hypoglycemia episodes don’t seem to cause permanent brain damage.

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Final Words

There are several ways to control diabetes naturally. The most crucial thing is to keep up a healthy diet. Consuming a lot of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains is necessary. Along with this, avoid processed foods, sugary drinks, and excessive amounts of saturated fat. Exercise is another key component of diabetes control. Having at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise each day can help to improve insulin sensitivity and avoid low blood sugar symptoms. For patients with high blood sugar levels, considering solutions like Dhathri Diavita Plus, specifically created to support diabetes management, could offer valuable help in their journey towards better health.

Finally, it is important to monitor blood sugar levels regularly and take steps to keep them within a healthy range. This may involve making adjustments to diet and exercise, as well as taking medication if necessary.

How to make face pack at home CategoriesSkin care

How to Make Face Pack at Home: Home Made Face Pack

Every one of us wants baby soft skin. But our skin tends to lose its luster due to pollution, stress, and many other factors like pigmentation, blemishes, pimples, UV damage, and wrinkles. So how to take care of your skin without burning a hole in your pocket? The answer is home made face packs. Applying home made face pack is the best and easy cost-effective way to revive the skin.

Natural face packs are excellent for reviving and nourishing your skin. The natural ingredients used in the pack give your complexion a natural glow and make it supple. Moreover, they don’t contain synthetic chemicals, artificial colours, or preservatives. Home made face packs are natural, affordable, and the most effective way to remove pimples, acne, blackheads, and other skin problems. These masks will help your skin to heal and look brighter. These ingredients are readily available in your kitchen and work well on all types of skin. Keep reading to know how to make face pack at home and reap their benefits.

10 Effective Face Packs For A Natural Glow

To prepare simple and effective homemade face packs, you must choose ingredients good for the skin that are refreshing and natural. Here are some home made face packs that you should try today for instant glow and fairness.

1. Besan and Tomato Face Pack

Besan and Tomato Face Pack is good for reducing acne and removing blemishes. Besan has cleansing properties and tomato stimulates collagen production which makes it an ideal face pack. Let’s see how to make this face pack at home.

How to use

  • Take a small tomato and cut it into pieces. 
  • Blend the tomato and add the pulp to the besan(gram flour). 
  • Apply the mixture to your face. Wash it off after 10-12 minutes.


Besan and Tomato Face Pack help to get rid of wrinkles and makes the skin smooth, bright, and firm and is also beneficial in getting rid of excess oil and dark spots.

2. Honey-Besan Face Pack

Honey is a natural moisturiser and has many anti-bacterial properties. It not only heals the skin but provides deep moisturisation. Gram flour has excellent bleaching properties. The astringent properties of honey helps maintain the skin’s natural pH levels. On the other hand, Gram flour (Besan) is good for making the skin radiant and helps to tighten the skin.

How to use

  • Take 2 teaspoons of gram flour and mix it with 1 teaspoon of honey
  • Mix all the ingredients together to make a fine paste
  • Apply this pack generously on your face and neck and wash it off after 15 minutes.


This home made face pack removes dirt, toxins,, and other impurities from the skin. Gram flour or besan works as a natural exfoliant and helps to get a more even skin tone. 

3. Aloe Vera Face Mask

Aloe Vera (Ghritkumari) is good for both skin and hair and is widely used as a base ingredient in many skincare and cosmetic products. Aloe vera gel helps to fade dark spots and nourishes your skin making it soft, smooth, and supple. This pack reduces pimples and helps to cure acne by unclogging pores. Aloevera has been used for centuries to treat various skin conditions and also for removing harsh suntan.

How to use

  • Take 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel. 
  • Apply the mask to your face and keep it for 15 minutes. Add a few drops of honey to thicken the pack if it is too runny.
  • Rinse your face thoroughly with lukewarm and pat dry.


Aloe Vera Face Mask is filled with glycoproteins and antioxidants that can help the skin retain moisture and suppleness. It is a natural moisturiser and is effective in reducing inflammation and irritation.

4. Coffee Face Pack

Coffee stimulates blood flow and is an excellent exfoliator. This home made coffee face pack helps to get rid of dead skin cells and enhance your complexion. Coffee makes your skin tight and improves skin tone. This pack revives tired skin and helps in brightening the skin.

 How to use

  • Take one tablespoon of coffee powder and mix it with one teaspoon of honey. 
  • Mix the ingredients together until it has a grainy texture.
  • Gently massage the paste onto your entire face, avoiding the area around your eyes.
  • After 15 minutes, remove the pack by rinsing it off with cool water.


Coffee face pack is known for their exfoliating properties and are also known to decrease puffiness and pigmentation.

5. Turmeric Face Pack

Turmeric has strong anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties and revitalizes your skin. Turmeric face pack helps to reduce inflammation, regenerate skin cells and fight signs of aging. Additionally, mix in some gram flour(besan) to the pack for minimising pimples and getting a natural glow.

How to use

  • To prepare this home made face pack, take 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, and 1 tablespoon of turmeric powder and mix it well.
  • Apply liberally to your neck and face.
  •  Keep for 20 minutes and then wash it off with water.


  • The medicinal properties of turmeric help in removing blemishes and maintaining clear skin.

Read Also : How to Make Face Wash at Home ?

6. Cucumber Face Pack

Cucumber contains a high amount of antioxidants, is a natural cleanser and is perfect for treating all types of skin problems. The moisturising quality of cucumber gives you smooth, and beautiful skin and effectively gets rid of blemishes.

How to use

  • Cut one cucumber into small pieces. Blend or puree the cucumber in a blender and strain the juice.
  • Apply this cucumber home made face pack onto your face and neck. Keep the pack for 15 minutes.
  • Wash the mask off with cool or lukewarm water and pat dry


Cucumbers contain caffeic acid which is an antioxidant that prevents skin damage and lightens skin tone. The cucumber pack refreshes skin and is also known to reduce skin tan.

7. Tomato- Lemon pack

It is well known that lemons and tomatoes have natural bleaching qualities. This home made face pack work towards removing pigmentation and suntan. 

How to use

  • Take one tomato and make it into a pulp.
  •  Add two tablespoons of lemon juice to the puree and apply it on the face and neck.
  •  Leave the mask for twenty minutes and wash it off with lukewarm water.


Tomato-Lemon pack helps in removing skin tan making the skin soft and brighter. Tomato Lemon pack can also help to reduce skin discolouration and gives an instant glow.

8. Papaya Pack

Papaya is full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, making it fantastic for your skin. Papaya home made face pack adds a glow to your skin, reduces fine lines and wrinkles, and helps lighten dull spots. Papaya is rich in potassium, a mineral known for moisturizing skin from the inside out.

How to use

  • Take 5 cubes of papaya and mash them.
  • To this mixture add 1 tsp of milk and little honey.
  • Mix well to form a smooth paste and apply on your face and neck.
  • Let it sit for 15-20 minutes and wash it off with lukewarm water.


Papaya does wonders for the skin as it is a rich source of vitamins A and C. It also contains a special enzyme called papain which helps in reducing pigmentation caused by sun damage, and fades dark spots, blemishes restores your natural complexion.

9. Rice Flour and Rosewater Face Pack

Rice flour help remove dead skin cells from your skin and brighten it. Rosewater also has cooling properties and helps to shrink pores and removes residual dirt.

How to use

  • Make a paste by mixing 2 teaspoons of rice flour and 2 teaspoons of rosewater.
  • Apply the paste to your face and massage for 5 minutes.
  • Let it dry for 5-10 minutes. Wash it off and pat dry.


Rice flour is rich in para-aminobenzoic acid which protects the skin from harsh sun rays. This home made face pack helps with skin tightening and retaining elasticity and getting rid of signs of ageing.

10. Besan Dahi (curd) Pack

Besan is an amazing ingredient for giving a glow to the skin. It tightens your skin and cleans pores. Dahi(curd) is effective in brightening skin and fading blemishes.

 How to make face pack

  • Add the ingredients. Mix 2 teaspoons of besan and one teaspoon of curd together.
  • Apply this mask to your face and keep it on for 10-15 minutes.
  •  Gently pat your skin dry using a dry towel and apply Aloe vera gel to moisturize your skin.


If you have acne, pimples, marks, open or clogged pores, pigmentation, dullness, uneven skin tone, whiteheads, oil heads, or blackheads, the besan-curd face pack is a great solution for you. Besan Dahi (curd) pack helps in moisturizing your skin and restoring the natural skin glow. Curd hydrates and revitalizes the skin, making it the ideal face pack for glowing skin.

Read Also : How to Remove Tan from Your Face ?


Using Home made packs is safe and effective in removing skin tan, dark spots, and patches. Natural ingredients contained in the face pack will help you to achieve good and healthy skin. Apply these home made face packs twice a week for 2 months to see a visible difference in your skin complexion. Go ahead and add these natural packs to your skin care routine to get glowing skin.

10 benefits of onion shampoo CategoriesHaircare Onion Range

Top Onion Benefits for Hair

10 Benefits of Onion Hair Shampoo

Human beings have been using onions for medicinal purposes for thousands of years. Recently, a new type of hair treatment has become popular among young women and men. This is onion hair shampoo! This shampoo benefits are completely effective for the nourishment of your hair and help to give adequate care to your hair in a natural way.

Read the top 10 benefits of using of this shampoo on your hair to find out if it’s worth the change. 

How does Onion Hair Care Shampoo Work?

It  is made from the extract of onions. Onion extract is known to have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. These properties make it an effective treatment for dandruff, scalp infections, and scalp itchiness. This shampoo also has hair-strengthening properties. It can help to make your hair stronger and less likely to break. This is due to the high sulfur content of onions, which is known to be beneficial for hair health.

If you are looking for a natural and effective way to improve the health of your hair, then shampoo made of onion  may be a good option for you. Give it a try today!

Why Is Shampoos Made Of Onions Are  So Unique?

It  is made from onions that have been specially formulated to be gentle on the scalp. The onion extract in the shampoo helps to remove dead skin cells and excess oil from the scalp. This can help to improve the condition of the scalp and make it easier for hair to grow. Shampoo made of onion is also unique because it contains sulfur. Sulfur is a natural ingredient that has been shown to improve the condition of the scalp. It can help to reduce inflammation and dryness, and it can also help to promote hair growth.

Overall, it  is a unique product that can offer many benefits for the scalp and hair. If you are looking for a new shampoo to try, it is definitely worth a try!

Top 10 Benefits of Shampoos Made Of Onions 

Most people reject shampoo made of onion  because of its smell, but the the  benefits are absolutely worth the proper nourishment for your hair. Let us check on the its  benefits that help in nourishing your hair:

  • Repair & moisturize your hair

Onion compounds can repair damaged hair and give it a beautiful and healthy look. The compounds are antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and vasodilatory. Thus, blood circulation in the scalp can be promoted. Although there aren’t many commercial products in the market for onion hair care, there are natural alternatives available that work very well. Opting for natural hair care products completely protects and nourishes your hair, without any side effects.

  • Reduces the scalp problems

Applying onion to hair is the best remedy for itchy scalp and scalp irritations. Rich in flavonoids, vitamins B, C, D, and E, red onion seed extract can help strengthen strands, revitalize weak hair, unclog the sealed roots, and control scalp infections.  These unique features of the onion help to make it unique from other shampoos and the daily use of it helps to nourish your hair completely.

  • Promotes hair growth

There are studies that prove the ability of onions to improve hair growth. Researchers used onion extract along with a natural shampoo containing castor oil, coconut, and eucalyptus oil. The mixture was found to cause no irritation or side effects when applied to the skin for 5 minutes. It also helps in providing better nutrients and nourishment to the hair follicles. It provides proper nourishment to the scalp and promotes hair growth. Even if you can’t make shampoo at home, you can find alternatives online. Even though the shampoo is made of onions, it won’t smell like onions as the companies who make it will add other natural fragrances to get a good smell.

  • Reduces hair greying 

There is no evidence that onions actually help reverse the graying process. However, some measures guarantee a positive result. Since onion contains an antioxidant compound, it helps in reducing the hydrogen peroxide present in the hair roots. Thus shampoos made of onions  benefits in keeping the hair from frizzing.

  • Makes your hair soft and glossy

A smooth, soft, and silky hair is what everyone looks for. The Pro-Vitamin B5 content present in it is a key ingredient that helps in making your hair soft and silky. It strengthens and hydrates the roots to make hair soft, shiny, and strong. It helps in smoothing the hair cuticles and adds shine and luster to the hair.

  • Treats Dandruff

Dandruff is one of the problems faced by many people. Onion juice has anti fungal and antimicrobial properties that help in avoiding infection on the scalp. Dandruff is mostly caused by fungus. So here onion can be useful as a fighter. In fact, there have been several kinds of research that conclude that onions can be considered a first-line treatment for dandruff. The daily use of these red onion shampoo can helps to prevent dandruff naturally without any side effects on your hair. 

Also Read: 10 Benefits of Onion Hair Oil
  • Maintains pH level

The main benefit of this shampoo for the scalp is that it helps in balancing and keeping the scalp clean. Thus, the pH level of the scalp can be maintained with onion oil. The natural pH level of the scalp is between 4.5 and 5.5. Onion juice has a pH level of around 5.5, which is a great way to maintain and balance the pH level of your scalp, thus protecting your scalp and hair from problems like dandruff or itchy scalp.

  • Acts as a natural conditioner 

When you condition your hair before washing it, you will ensure that the shampoo does not strip the scalp of moisture. In this case, you will be able to understand the unique benefit of onions. 

The benefits of using onions clearly show how to make the most of the ingredients to get rid of hair problems. Of course, when used correctly, you will see great results. But it is important to understand that you need to identify your scalp type and consider its use. There are various brands that offer natural hair care treatments. You can find it  for your daily hair care. When you are concerned about odor, you can look for products with other natural ingredients as they will leave your hair smelling good after every hair wash. 

  • Reduces hair fall 

When applied to the hair and scalp, onion juice provides additional sulfur to support strong and thick hair, thus preventing hair loss and promoting hair growth. The sulfur content present in the onion promotes collagen production. Collagen helps in the production of healthy skin cells and hair growth. Through this, the onion helps to prevent hair thinning and breakage more effectively.

  • Prevents the split ends

Hair concerns are always the essential ones, which need to be addressed at their initial stage itself. Split ends are one such major concerns that need adequate remedy to prevent. The sulfur present in it helps to prevent split ends and helps in the overall enhanced growth of the hair effectively. In addition, the daily use of it also helps to gain the volume of hair along with the relief from damaged and dry hair.

The shampoo made of onions has many benefits that make it worth trying out. It can help to improve your scalp health, make your hair softer and shinier, and even help to boost hair growth. Even though the odour of the it is not so pleasant, the benefits are more critical than any other shampoo on the market. As a natural remedy for overall hair growth and hair problems, it also helps in nourishing the hair, without any side effects to the hair.  If you are looking for a natural way to improve your hair care routine, Dhathri Onion & Bhringraj shampoo is definitely worth considering. Using Dhathri Onion hair oil before using Dhathri Onion shampoo will help you to get better results. Give it a try and see for yourself how shampoo made of onions  can benefit your hair!

How to make face wash at home CategoriesSkin care

How to Make Face Wash at Home?

How to Make Face Wash at Home?


Face wash can be expensive, and with all the new labels popping up on store shelves it can be hard to know what ingredients you should be looking for. But did you know that face wash can actually be made at home? From cleansing agents to exfoliators, there are many recipes out there for homemade face washes that are designed to suit your skin type and help reduce signs of aging or acne. Find out how to make face wash fast and easy it is to make your own in this article!

What is Face Wash?

Most of the face washes that are available in the market today are filled with chemicals that can end up damaging your skin in the long run. If you are looking for a natural and effective way to clean your face, then you should consider making a homemade face wash.

There are a number of benefits that come with using a homemade face wash. For starters, it is much cheaper than buying commercial products. Additionally, you can customize it to suit your specific skin type. And finally, you can be sure that there are no harmful chemicals in it.

So, what do you need to make a face wash at home? The most important ingredient is aloe vera gel, which has excellent cleansing and soothing properties. You will also need some other basic ingredients like honey, lemon juice, and essential oils.

The Different Types of Face Washes

There are a variety of face washes available on the market today. The most common type is the gentle cleanser, which is designed for everyday use. These usually contain mild ingredients that won’t irritate the skin.

Foaming cleansers are another popular option, and they’re great for removing makeup and dirt from the skin. However, they can dry, so it’s important to use a moisturizer afterward.

Cream cleansers are ideal for dry or sensitive skin, as they’re very hydrating. Oil-based cleansers are perfect for removing makeup, but they can be quite drying if you have oily skin.

Finally, there are exfoliating face washes, which contain ingredients that help to slough off dead skin cells. This can leave your skin looking brighter and feeling softer.

How to Make Face Wash at Home?

There are many reasons to make your own face wash at home. It can be cheaper than store-bought options, and you can customize it to your specific skin type. Plus, it’s fun to experiment with different ingredients and find what works best for you!

If you’re new to making homemade face wash, start with this simple recipe. It uses just two ingredients that are probably already in your kitchen: honey and castile soap. Honey is a natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent, so it’s great for acne-prone skin. Castile soap is gentle and non-drying, making it suitable for all skin types.

If you want to get more adventurous, you can experiment with different ingredients to find what works best for your skin type. For example, add a few drops of tea tree oil to the honey and castile soap recipe for an extra boost of acne-fighting power. Or try substituting aloe vera gel or rosewater for the water in the recipe to soothe sensitive skin. The possibilities are endless!

Read Also : How to Remove Tan from Your Face?

8 Face wash Ingredients

How to make a face wash at home is a doubt that everyone has. Homemade face washes can be made using different ingredients based on the concerns you are facing. Using herbal ingredients to make homemade face wash also helps in offering better effective results and does not cause any side effects as it is free from chemicals.

1. Homemade Honey & Lemon Face wash

This homemade face wash is a cheap and easy way to eliminate fragrances, parabens, and other nasties. People who wish to try a homemade face wash without buying any other ingredients would really love to use this face wash. 


  • Antioxidant, antiseptic, and moisturizing properties
  • Moisten the skin and keeps the skin hydrated for long
  • Brightens the skin with every wash
  • Add on nutrients and astringent benefits with the essence of lemon

How to use

  • Add two or three drops of lemon to one teaspoon of honey
  • Mix it well with water to make a thinner consistency 
  • Apply this mixture on your face and rub it well
  • Wash off your face with plain water

2. Apple Cider Vinegar homemade face wash

Apple cider vinegar is a rich homemade face wash and an effective skin cleanser that includes different benefits in its chemical properties. It works well on acne-prone skin by cleaning the skin and improves your skin texture naturally with daily use.


  • Maintains the pH balance of the skin
  • Unclogs the pores over the skin and is effective for acne-prone skin
  • Reduces dark spots and hyperpigmentation
  • Removes impurities from the face

How to use

  • Dilute the apple cider vinegar in two tablespoons of one-fourth of water or in rose water
  • Take the mixture and apply it on your face & then massage gently 
  • Wash off the face with plain water
  • Regular use of this face wash would give you better results 

3. Gram flour & Yogurt 

Gram flour also known as besan is a homemade facial enriched with nutrients such as minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and protein. It is suitable for all skin types and with gram flour, it is also possible to make different face packs and scrubs by combining honey, curd, and rose water with it. 


  • Fights acne
  • Exfoliates dead skin cells
  • Moisturizes the skin effectively 
  • Removes dirt and oils from your face

How to use

  • Mix yogurt and besan and make a thick paste
  • Apply it on your face and massage it gently 
  • Wash off the face with plain water
  • Adding Turmeric in a while in this paste is better for acne-prone skin, due to its antibacterial properties

4. Clay & Aspirin Face Wash

Aspirin contains anti-inflammatory and antibacterial characteristics that help treat acne, while the clay is useful for eliminating excess oils and sebum from the skin. This homemade face wash helps in cleaning your face naturally and retains the natural moisture on your face, avoiding excess oil.


  • Antibacterial properties to fight acne
  • Eliminates excess oil from the skin 
  • Cleanse your face and retain the moisture of your skin

How to use

  • Take some aspirin, crush them, and put them in a bowl
  • Add some clay and mix well
  • Then add water, mix well and make a paste out of it
  • Apply this paste over your face and allow it to dry
  • Wash off with water after some time for clear skin

Read Also : Face Wash Suitable for Every Skin Type

5. Aloe and Honey Face wash

Antioxidant properties exist in aloe vera. It is excellent for people with sensitive skin because it is very soft and soothing to the skin. Raw honey moisturizes skin while disinfecting it from microorganisms. Any natural oil of your choosing can help replenish moisture which is crucial. Benefits

  • Moisturizes the skin
  • Disinfects the bacteria on your face
  • Removes the impurities from the skin and makes it clean

How to use

  • Take Aloe and Honey in a glass jar and mix it well
  • If you use fresh Aloe vera, store the mix in the fridge
  • After some time, take a small amount of the mix and apply it to the face
  • After 1-2 minutes, gently wipe away the mix with a warm washcloth

6. Honey Matcha Facewash 

Due to its potent antioxidant properties, matcha can help lessen the damage that pollution and aging have on the skin. As it won’t dry up your pores, this formula is especially good for people with dry skin.


  • Repair the dead skin cells on your face
  • Good for people with dry skin
  • Antioxidant properties to remove impurities from your skin

How to use

  • Take 4 tablespoons of organic honey, avocado oil &  unscented castile soap, ½ teaspoon matcha powder, and 10 drops of tea tree essential oil. Mix it well
  • Mix the composition with water 
  • Wet your face and use the cleanser to see the results

7. Milk and Honey Face wash

Honey and milk both have moisturizing qualities that help the skin regenerate its natural oils. It’s simple to make this face cleanser at home for skin that glows. Benefits

  • Remove dead skin cells & unclog pores
  • Keeps the skin hydrated
  • Brightens the skin 

How to use

  • Mix one teaspoon of honey and two teaspoons of milk to make a mix
  • Apply the mix over the face and massage gently in a circular motion
  • Wash it off with warm water 

8. Oats and Buttermilk Cleanser

Oats are excellent facial cleansers because they are loaded with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Its granules promote a deeper cleanse without causing the skin to itch by gently exfoliating the skin. Combine it with buttermilk’s cooling effects for clean, clear skin that is well-hydrated.


  • Deeply cleanse the skin
  • Cooling effect and intense moisturization for skin
  • Clears the skin

How to use

  • Add buttermilk to oats for a paste
  • Apply the paste on the face and gently massage
  • Wash off with plain water

Read Also : Home Remedies for Pimples


If you’re looking for a way to ditch commercial face washes and switch to something more natural, then this homemade face wash recipe is perfect for you. How to make face wash was a question everyone had, but this article has an easy and clear solution for that. Made with just homemade ingredients, these face washes are completely natural and effective for better results. Plus, it’s super easy to make — all you need is a few minutes and a blender. So what are you waiting for? Give it a try today!

traditional ways of hair cleansing CategoriesHaircare

Why is it Important to Choose Traditional Ways of Hair Cleansing?


Hair care is just as important as skincare. Your hair is an indicator of your overall body health. Taking good care of your hair not only makes you look beautiful but it adds to your overall hygiene. To keep hair healthy, strong and growing, you need to take good care of your hair. Along with hair care, you need to pay proper attention to your scalp. If you experience issues like irritation, excessive hair loss and itchiness, then it means that your scalp is unhealthy.If you follow a proper hair care regimen, your hair will always remain healthy, strong, and frizz-free.

The best and most efficient way to take care of your hair is by using products that answers all your hair concerns. Therefore, you need to say NO to chemical shampoos and instead opt for herbal cleansers. This article will help you understand the significance of choosing traditional natural hair cleanser for your hair. 

Keep on reading to know the benefits of herbal cleansers and why you should use them.

What Is A Hair Cleanser?

You must have heard a lot about face cleansers. So what exactly is a hair cleanser?

Let us learn what cleansers are, the importance of hair cleansing, and why they work well for your hair. Herbal  cleansers and shampoos serve the same purpose, yet there are certain differences between cleansers and shampoos. Hair cleaners are made with herbal ingredients and hence milder and gentler than commercial shampoos.Let’s look at how they are formulated differently.

The ultimate goal of a shampoo and a cleanser remains the same-cleaning hair and scalp to remove dirt and product buildup. The cleanser for hair can be used on all types of hair irrespective of the texture. Shampoo consists of chemicals that contain surfactants and detergents which are helpful to remove dirt and provide  thorough cleaning.The cleansers and shampoos both remove grime and dirt. Herbal cleansers are different from shampoos in their formula. Herbal cleansers have a sulphate-free formula and won’t strip your hair from its natural oils. Chemical shampoos strip the natural oils in our scrap and make it dry, and frizzy, but cleansers are more gentle on hair and scalp and work well on damaged hair. They thoroughly cleanse the scalp and can be used on bleached, curly or balayage hair.The cleansers can be used daily because of their chemical-free composition.

Benefits  Of cleansers for hair

If your hair is dry and brittle, then herbal cleansers will benefit you more than shampoos. There are shampoos for different hair types. The main advantage of best hair cleansers is that you can use them without worrying about your hair type. Even if your hair is chemically treated, you can use cleansers to clean the hair and scalp. There are many benefits of cleansers, especially when compared to cleaning with shampoos. There are many benefits of using herbal cleansers as opposed to conventional cleansers. Herbal cleansers are usually made with natural ingredients that are gentle on the scalp and hair, and they can be just as effective as conventional cleaners.

Here are some reasons why you should consider using herbal scalp cleansers:

  1. They are gentle on the hair and scalp.
  2. They can be just as effective as conventional shampoos.
  3. They often contain fewer chemicals than conventional cleansers.
  4. They can help to keep the scalp healthy and free from irritation.
  5. They can be used on all types of hair, including sensitive or damaged hair. Cleansers are designed to cleanse the scalp and hair of dirt, oil, and buildup, leaving it healthy and refreshed. They can also help to control dandruff and promote a healthy scalp. Cleansers are often more gentle on the hair and scalp than shampoos, which can strip away natural oils. In addition, cleansers can be used on all types of hair, including colour-treated hair.

Read Also: Hibiscus for Hair Growth: Benefits & How to Use

Why You Should Use Dhathri’s Hibiscus Cleanser? 

Chemparathi Thaali is prepared from pure extracts of Hibiscus which is known to boost the shine and texture of the hair. Dhathri hibiscus cleanser is an age-old Ayurvedic remedy prepared from the Ayurvedic process – Kashayapakavidhi, for making hair smooth and soft. Dhathri Hibiscus cleanser comes with a refreshing fragrance and helps to prevent hair dryness and helps to retain the natural oiliness and moisture in hair and scalp. Enriched with the goodness of amla, hibiscus, brahmi and purple heart glory helps to reduce hair dullness and refreshes the scalp.

Hibiscus is rich in flavonoids and amino acids that stimulate blood circulation to the scalp. Dhathri Chemparathi thaali won’t strip off the natural oils in your hair and they are safe because of their herbal properties.  You can use this Chemparathi thaali on normal to oily as well as dry hair.. Hibiscus can cleanse hair deeply and stimulate hair growth.

Hibiscus is enriched with the properties of vitamin C helps to condition hair, premature greying, and scalp disorders. Hibiscus helps to nourish hair from root to tip. Aloe vera is extremely nourishing and moisturising. Aloe vera is a magic elixir for both hair and scalp. Amla rich in vitamins and minerals strengthens hair and improves hair quality. Brahmi strengthens hair follicles and promotes new hair. This chemparathi thaali is free from harmful chemicals and is suitable for all hair types. Due to all these reasons, Dhathri hibiscus cleanser is a better option than commercial shampoos.

Dhathri Hibiscus cleanser effectively cleanses the hair and retains the moisture of the scalp and is suitable for adults, kids, and all hair types. It effectively reduces scalp infection and improves hair texture and makes it bouncy and beautiful. Hibiscus is a traditional medicinal plant widely used in many countries. All parts of the hibiscus plant have medicinal properties. This daily, gentle hair cleanser makes your shiny, thick and strong.

chemparathi thaali

How To Apply Herbal Cleanser?

  • Wash your hair with lukewarm water
  • Squeeze out a small amount of Chemparathi thaali and apply it on your scalp.
  • Massage gently in a circular motion and rinse off gently.
  • Pat your hair dry with a towel. 

Herbal cleansers are as effective as conditioners sans chemicals. They prevent hair rashes, condition hair, reduce dandruff and prevent scalp itchiness.


Hair care mainly involves using the right hair care products to prevent hair loss and hair damage. Good hair care is all about listening to your hair and a good hair routine saves you from dull-looking hair. In simple words, the best hair care products are those that are prepared from natural ingredients and devoid of any tint of chemicals. The lesser the chemicals, the better. Cleansers are chemical-free and cruelty-free and you can greatly benefit if you damaged or fragile hair. 

Dhathri Hibiscus cleanser is made with natural ingredients and is free from parabens, sulphates, and carcinogens. Include Dhathri Chemparathi thaali in your hair-care routine to put an end to all your hair-care issues. They are dermatologically tested and formulated with the goodness of natural ingredients like Amla, Brahmi etc to tackle concerns like premature greying, hair fall, and dry and damaged hair.

Your Hair should be given ample care to protect it from pollution, climate and other external factors. Chemical-based shampoos can wreak havoc on your hair and the only way in which you can revive your scalp and mane is by embracing the power of natural cleansers. Dhathri’s Hibiscus Cleanser repair, nourish and heal and protect your hair and scalp. Embrace your roots with Dhathri’s Hibiscus Cleanser and let your hair do all the talking. They are the perfect antidote for all your hair woes.

Ayurvedic soaps that make you smell good CategoriesBath and Body

Ayurvedic Soaps That Make You Feel Good

Ayurvedic Soaps That Make You Feel Good from Dhathri

Soaps are cleansing products that cleanse and purify skin, keeping it free from dirt and impurities. Ordinary soaps are said to strip off the natural oiliness in your skin leaving your skin dry and dull. Today Ayurvedic body care products are given significant importance, especially Ayurveda soaps or bathing bars that are devoid of harmful ingredients. Apart from the ingredients, Ayurvedic bath soaps hold a multitude of benefits. Read on as we explore more about ayurvedic bathing soaps, their benefits and use and know more about the best organic soap available today.

What are Ayurveda soaps ?

Ayurvedic bathing soaps are cleansing products that are rich in a plethora of natural ingredients, such as herbs, spices, and plant oils, offering herbal therapy to the skin and body with every bath. Being a herbal therapeutic formula, these are not only great for your skin health but also offer you youthful glowing skin, free from itching, allergies and impurities. These soaps are said to be beneficial for the skin because they are gentle and nourishing. Herbal soap can be used on all skin types, including sensitive skin.

Benefits and Importance of Organic Soaps 

  1. Maintains Skin Health
Antioxidants in Ayurvedic bath soaps rejuvenate and revitalise your skin, leaving it fresh, soft and smooth after every bath. Being herbal, they are extremely gentle on your skin and leaves it smooth. This ensures that your skin’s natural pH balance is unaltered and hence skin is less prone to all allergies, infections or itching. While skin is considered one of the major parts of the human body and most of us are particular about what is being used on the skin, this is a reminder to not wait and switch to ayurvedic bathing soaps, especially to the ones who are concerned about skin health and the ones with sensitive skin.  
  1. Free from Harmful Toxins
Regular and ordinary soaps are made from ingredients that include paraben, silicones, mineral oils and other harmful toxins. These are harmful to the skin and body. Ayurveda soaps on the other hand are made from natural ingredients and are devoid of toxins which cause harm to your skin. Ayurveda soaps give you fresh and glowing skin with long-term benefits on your skin. Ayurvedic bath soaps with ingredients like turmeric act as an antibacterial soap, giving your skin all-around protection and keeping it blemish-free.
  1. Offers Complete Hydration for Skin
Chemical free bath soaps are made from natural ingredients like almond oil, coconut oil, amla, henna or coconut milk. Due to the fact that they contain natural ingredients, Ayurvedic bathing Soaps are extremely hydrating. This is perfect for those with dry skin as it helps to lock in moisture and keep the skin hydrated.
  1. Soothing and Calming Effect
Ayurvedic bathing  Soaps contain ingredients like lavender oil which have a very calming effect on the body and mind. This can be helpful if you suffer from anxiety or stress as it can help to relax you and ease any tension.
  1. Ayurvedic bathing Soaps Prevent Premature Ageing
The natural ingredients in Ayurvedic Soap for dry skin like almond oil, coconut oil, and aloe vera helps to fight against wrinkles and fine lines. This makes them perfect for those who want to keep their skin looking young and fresh. Compared to normal soaps, Ayurvedic Bath soap has therapeutic ingredients that keep your skin glowing and blemish-free. These ingredients also help maintain the skin’s elasticity while keeping your skin free from skin issues like skin dermatitis.

Read Also : How to Choose the Best Body Washes for All Seasons

Importance of Soaps Even after the Introduction of Body Wash

Soaps and body washes are products that serve the same purpose, which is to clean the body. However, there are several reasons why soaps are still important even after the introduction of body washes. One reason is that soaps are more effective at removing dirt and bacteria from the skin. This is because the molecules in soap are able to bind to dirt and bacteria, which makes it easier to wash them away. Body washes do not have this same effect. Soaps are also generally more affordable than body washes. This is because they do not contain as many ingredients, which makes them less expensive to produce.

Dhathri’s Range Of Ayurvedic Bathing Soaps

  1. Oushadha Soap
Oushadha Soap from Dhathri is a rich therapeutic soap that is suitable for you if you have allergy-prone skin. It is rich in ingredients like red sandalwood. Thazhampoov and nagapoov, it reduce itching/irritation and cleanse your skin, leaving it healthy. If you are having sensitive skin and if you are looking for a soap that keeps your skin healthy, Oushadha Soap is an ideal choice.
  1. Raktha Chandan Soap
Dhathri Raktha Chandan soap is an herbal soap that is entirely beneficial for the skin. It is made with the natural ingredients of Raktha Chandan, a type of sandalwood that is believed to have medicinal properties, and other herbs. The soap is good for skin problems such as acne, pigmentation, and pimples. It also helps to moisturize and nourish the skin, making it soft and smooth. Overall, Dhathri Raktha Chandan soap is a natural and herbal alternative for skincare.
  1. Turmeric Soap
Turmeric or Haldi is a natural ingredient that is associated with Purification, antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Turmeric Soap contains the goodness of curcumin which is known for improving skin health. It helps to enhance your skin and give you healthy, bright and blemish-free skin.
  1. Chempakam Soap
Golden Champa is a natural flower that plays a major role in controlling oil production and treating skin inflammation. It nourish, moisturizes and rejuvenates your skin. Chempakam Soap with natural floral extracts of Golden Champa, saffron and purple heart glory gives you clear and healthy skin.
  1. Nalpamara Soap
Nalpamara Soap Contains the goodness of 4 therapeutic ayurvedic trees and gives you protection from infections. With its therapeutic ingredients including Nalpamaradi extracts, coconut oil and vetiver oil, Dhathri’s Nalpamara soap offers you smooth and soft skin, free from pigmentation. If you are looking for a soap that gives therapeutic goodness, nalpamara soap is the best choice.
  1. Sandal Soap
Sandalwood is associated with skin-brightening properties. Sandal Soap by Dhathri Ayurveda is a perfect body care regimen with a richness of natural ingredients like sandalwood oil, vetiver oil and coconut oil, which helps in keeping your skin soft and lustrous. The warm woody fragrance of sandal soap gives your skin a rejuvenated feel and leaves it refreshed.

Read Also : 5 Body Care Tips for Men & Women in 2023

How to Choose an Ayurvedic soap?

When it comes to choosing an natural soap, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, consider your skin type. Herbal soaps are made with different ingredients that can be beneficial for different skin types. If you have sensitive skin, look for a chemical-free bath soap that is made with gentle ingredients. Next, think about the bar soap benefits. Some soaps are made to nourish the skin, while others may be designed to help alleviate certain skin conditions. Go for products that will meet your specific needs. Choose antibacterial soaps for allergy-prone skin. Finally, take a look at the ingredients list on the packaging of the soap. Avoid any soap that contains synthetic fragrances or colours, as these can be irritating to the skin. Look for an organic soap that is made with natural ingredients and does not contain any harsh chemicals. Final Words There are many benefits of using chemical-free bath soap, from the fact that they are all-natural and free from harmful chemicals to the fact that they can help improve your skin health. If you are looking for a natural way to improve your skin health, then using a chemical-free bath soap is definitely worth considering. Do you use natural soaps? If not, it’s the right time to switch to Ayurveda for all your body care needs. Try our all-natural soaps and body wash range for your bathing rituals and experience the goodness of therapeutic herbs that leave your skin refreshed after every bath.
Hibiscus for hair CategoriesHaircare

Hibiscus for Hair Growth

Hibiscus for Hair Growth: Benefits & How to Use


Hibiscus/chemparathi is a traditional herb that holds therapeutic goodness to treat all your hair concerns. Hibiscus for Hair nourishment has been a known and traditional remedy for everyone, but do we know what the real goodness of hibiscus is?

Read along as we explore the benefits of hibiscus for hair and know more about natural ways to treat your hair, with hibiscus.

What are the Benefits of Hibiscus for Hair?

A bright red luscious flower with therapeutic essence, Hibiscus is brimmed with multiple benefits for hair. It has been a part of ayurvedic recipes for haircare. Hibiscus for hair is associated with the traditional hibiscus shampoo or chemparathi thaali, a memory that traces back to childhood, taking us through the making of thaali with hibiscus, by parents/ grandparents. The rich aromatic hibiscus has been a boon for hair until the introduction of shampoo of conditioners. This natural remedy holds a multitude of benefits for hair nourishment. Read on as we explore hibiscus for hair and the benefits associated with this flower.

  1. Hibiscus stimulates hair growth

If hair growth is your major hair concern, don’t worry, nature has got the best solution for you. Hibiscus is rich in amino acids which is the root factor for building keratin. Keratin is an essential protein that builds, nourishes and strengthens hair roots. Strong hair roots promote healthy hair growth, unaffected by damage and dullness. Studies show that hibiscus is known for stimulating hair follicles and promoting hair growth. The bioactive components like alkaloids or flavonoids in the hibiscus are known for reducing hairfall and promoting healthy growth. Hibiscus for hair nourishment and rejuvenation thus enhances the overall health of hair along with growth. 

  1. Good moisturizer for the scalp

Hibiscus acts as an excellent moisturizer for the scalp as its leaves and flowers are moisture-rich, promoting nourishment of hair and scalp. The high mucilage content in hibiscus adds rejuvenation to the scalp, reduces dryness of the scalp and adds the needed nourishment. Here hibiscus acts as a natural emollient, that helps to keep your scalp free from dryness and makes it soft and smooth. As per Ayurveda, Hibiscus for hair care and hair routines is known to balance the pitta dosha out of three doshas. Pitta dosha causes imbalances like damaging hair, and hair thinning or promotes premature greying. This is prevented by hibiscus which balances the potential damage caused.

  1. Removes dandruff and itchiness on the scalp

 Dandruff is a daunting concern for the scalp. Itching of the scalp and the formation of flakes on the scalp is a topic of worry. Hibiscus is said to act like an astringent that controls the oil secretion by glands. It also maintains the pH balance of the scalp, combatting dandruff. This natural herb also provides a cooling and soothing effect on the scalp. This wonder herb works like magic to condition the hair and scalp, keeping them free from dryness. 

  1. Conditions hair and promotes lustrous hair

Power-packed with antioxidants and vitamins, this wonder herb provided the needed nutrition for melanin, the substance responsible for giving your hair a natural colour. The abundance of melanin gives thick black hair. Practising remedies with hibiscus on your hair can control premature greying, giving your hair all the necessary activities for it to grow healthy and free from greying. 

  1. Prevents Breakage:

Dull, damaged or hair with split ends are some other major hair concerns of hair along with other common concerns like hair fall. As per various studies conducted, hibiscus promotes elasticity to hair strands and reduces the chances of breakage. It contains amino acids and Vitamin C that help in the regeneration of hair structure and reduce the chances of hair thinning as well. 

Read Also : Unknown Benefits of Dheedhi Daily Herbal Shampoo

How to Use Hibiscus for Hair Growth?

As important as knowing the multiple benefits of hibiscus for hair nourishment, it is equally important to know and explore different ways of using hibiscus and its leaves to treat hair concerns. The right preparation of natural remedies with hibiscus flowers and leaves will give your hair a shiny bounce, with voluminous growth – free from hair concerns like dandruff, dryness or dull and damaged locks.

Hibiscus oil helps in improving the blood circulation on the scalp and enhances hair growth. Hibiscus can also be used as a hair mask to add nourishment to the scalp and hair.  

  1. Hibiscus – Amla Combo Hair Mask for enhanced hair growth

Like hibiscus for hair growth and nourishment, amla is also an excellent herb for hair nourishment.  It is known to strengthen hair locks, reduce hair fall and stimulate new hair growth. Minerals and phytonutrients in amla are said to improve the blood circulation on the scalp which leads to rejuvenating hair follicles and healthy hair growth.


Mix 3-4 tablespoons of crushed hibiscus leaves and flowers along with 3-4 tablespoons of amla powder to form a thick paste. Add water to this and form a smooth paste. 

Apply this mask to your hair thoroughly and leave it on for about 20-30 mins.

Wash it off and experience smooth and shiny hair.

Repeat this once or twice a week to get enhanced hair growth naturally.

  1. Hibiscus Cleansing Shampoo for Smooth & Shiny Hair

Being a natural cleanser, hibiscus shampoo is widely used today as a way to treat hair to natural goodness and bring back the lost shine and lustre to hair. As it produces lather it can be easily used to formulate shampoos and can be used to cleanse the hair and scalp, without leaving the scalp stripped from the natural oils.

Made from pure hibiscus leaves Dhathri’s own Chemparathi hair thaali is one of the best ayurvedic solutions for smooth and shiny hair. It nourishes hair and scalp, retaining the natural oiliness in the scalp. 


Apply Dhathri’s Chemparathi thaali to hair and leave it for about 3-4 minutes. Wash off after a few minutes.

Use it as an alternative to shampoos and get healthy shine without damaging your hair.

  1. Hibiscus with Yogurt for healthy Strong Hair

Hibiscus and yogurt mask is another way to use hibiscus to condition your hair and calm your hair locks, keeping it frizz and manageable. 


Just Grind about 1-2 Hibiscus flowers with 4-5 leaves and form a smooth paste. 

Add a little amount of yogurt to this paste and get a smooth paste consistency

Apply this mask to your hair and leave it on your hair for 30 mins to 1-hour maximum.

Wash the mask off with lukewarm water and a mild cleansing shampoo. 

  1. Hibiscus  with Coconut Milk therapy for hair nourishment

Coconut milk is high in nutrients like vitamins C, E, B1, B3, B5 and B6 along with iron, sodium and calcium making it a completely natural conditioner for hair, adding needed hair nutrition. It moisturizes and nourishes hair follicles, promoting growth.


Crush 2-3 hibiscus petals with a few tablespoons of coconut milk

To this, add a few tablespoons of honey, aloe vera gel and yogurt and mix well to form a thick paste. 

Apply this to your hair and wash it after 30 mins

Try this remedy once a week to get rid of split ends and hair breakage. 

chemparathi thaali

  1. Onion & Hibiscus for hair growth

Known to a few and unknown to many, onion is an excellent natural remedy for hair growth. Add it to the hibiscus as a mask and you are up and ready to welcome the nourished growth of hair. Onion is rich in Sulphur, Potassium & antioxidants that accelerate or boost hair growth, bringing down hair fall.


Crush/grind onions and obtain their pulp. Use a cloth to separate the juice from the pulp

Similarly, crush hibiscus leaves along with water and separate juice from the pulp. 

Mix the two juices together and apply it to your hair and scalp

Leave it on your hair for about 15-20 mins and wash it off with warm water. 

Repeat this process twice or thrice a week and experience naturally healthy hair with boosted hair growth.

None knew that this bright and vibrant flower that is seen everywhere is a wonder herb in Ayurveda, specifically for hair care. Hibiscus is an effective natural herb, that provides solutions for all your hair problems from hair and scalp nourishment to hair growth and damage treatment. What more do you want, if the natural herb that grows in your garden can be a hair saviour?  If you are into natural ways to get healthy hair, then try hibiscus therapy and get healthy hair in no time.